Today is the 29th of July, my birthday. I will be sharing "29 Positive-Thinking Tips"
by Amy Clover.
Visit her blog at, and follow her in Twitter @StrongInsideOut
1. Breathe. No matter how tough the situation,
breathing is the best way I’ve found to ground myself back in the present, and
calm even the harshest emotions.
2. Take time for yourself. If I don’t get at least one day a week in silence, just to sit
and recharge, I get super stressed out. I get anxious and even a little
panicky. Even if you don’t feel this way when you spend time alone, it’s
important not to spread yourself too thin. Choose the things that are most
important to you and concentrate on those; give those things your all. It’s
better to be fully committed to a few things, than half-assing your way through
a lot.
3. Comparing yourself to others
is wasted energy. You are
unique. Comparing your being to others’ in beauty,
brains, fitness, or anything else is a losing battle. You will never be like
everyone else because you are not meant to be. Trying to be “normal” is a waste
of the awesomeness that you are. Embrace those quirks that make you different
and stopshould-ing your
life away!
4. Don’t be afraid to be
excited!!! I’m an enthusiastic person. I get excited, I strike random
poses, and I laugh loudly. When you enjoy life and allow yourself to show the
happiness you feel when you’re feeling it, it becomes contagious. Your enthusiasm
could brighten someone else’s day.
5. Reach out. Feeling down? Talk to someone. It helps
soooo much. I don’t know what I’d do without my support system. If you feel guilty for reaching out
for help, please know that your cheerleaders want you to feel
better. They’re here for you because how you feel and who you are is important
to them. If you don’t feel comfortable reaching out to them, talk to a professional who
is qualified to help.
6. Keep your eyes on the prize. If you’re having a hard time achieving your
goals, take a step back and remind yourself why you’re working so hard. It’s
easy to lose sight of the big picture if our present is a struggle. Remembering
that there is a light at the end of the tunnel–that this struggle is for a
reason–can help get us through even the darkest times.
7. Don’t be afraid to give up a
dream. Giving up my “dream” of acting was one of the best things I did on my
journey to finding happiness. Sometimes, old dreams become nightmares, causing
much negativity that can tear your life apart. Let go of your stubbornness and
have the courage to look at the endless mud you’re trudging through from the
outside. Is what you’re fighting for worth it?
8. Give yourself a break. You are not perfect. No one is. But that’s
ok because perfect is quite boring if you ask me. :) Don’t be so hard on
yourself for failures; realize that they help you grow stronger and move on.
9. Be ok with not being ok. Everyone has times of weakness. If you
resist them, pretending like it’s not happening, it’s bound to get worse, festering
away inside of you. Feel the pain and know that you’ll come out of it stronger.
10. Prove it to yourself. Nothing solidifies the belief that you can
overcome anything like going through it. Those tough times are a chance to
prove to yourself that you’re a fighter. Make each time after this easier to
get through by showing yourself that you can now.
11. Get creative. I write. Others draw, play music, assemble
collages, act, paint, knit, etc. Having a creative outlet is a great way to get
all those pent-up emotions out of your system so that you have the space to
become more positive.
12. Make a mantra. Mantras help me through so much of my day. I
use them in workouts, in trying situations, and even in the ones where I just
really want to do well. Mantras serve as highly personal reaffirmations to get you back on track when you
start to veer off. My favorite? “I
am strong enough.”
13. Keep score of your wins. When I have my clients keep food journals, I ask
them to write down all the exercise they get in as well as their “opportunity meals,”
because I want them to be able to look back and see how they’ve progressed.
Keep a record of all your accomplishments so that, in those times you’re
feeling stalled or like you’re back-tracking, you can look back and see your
achievements on paper.
14. Be grateful. For what you have. For the potential to
have what you don’t have. For the lessons you’ve learned. For the strength
you’ve earned. For the life you have.
15. Eat clean, think clean. Whenever I eat like crap, I feel like crap. My head gets all muddy
and I have trouble redirecting my thoughts in a positive direction. I’ll spare
you all the chemical and hormonal details of why eating is directly linked to
cognitive function, and I’ll just tell you that, well, it is. If you ingest
over-sugared, processed, chemically crap, you’re going to have trouble focusing
on the positive (or focusing altogether). Instead, aim for a diet of foods that
are as close to the source (ground, tree, sky, ocean, etc) as possible.
16. Surround yourself with
people you want to be like. You are
the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Make yourself awesome by
hanging out amidst awesomeness! Supportive, encouraging, and loving friends and
family will help you be a more positive person. With their help, you’ll surely become the person you want to
17. Cut the cads. If you’re hanging out with people who drain
you, tear you down, or just don’t value your friendship, you’re being
influenced by their behavior whether you like it or not. These people can drag
you down and try their hardest to keep you from living the positive life you
deserve… if you let them. Don’t let them.Fire them before you get dragged too far down
the wrong hole.
18. Tell yourself you’re worth
it… and
believe it! Now,
I’m not talking mirror work here. I’m talking just straight believing that you
deserve happiness and positivity in your life. You are worthy of the life you
want simply because you are here fighting for it. Never forget it.
19. Make a vision board (aka
join Pinterest). I
have been making vision boards for years! Not only are they fun to make, but
looking at them is a surefire way to bring me up if I’m feeling down. Gather
together a bunch of magazine pictures, words that inspire you, or even little
souveniers (such as key chains, coins, or toys) and post them all together to
illustrate how you want to live your life. Want an easier, more portable
version? Join Pinterest! It’s an awesome resource for us and you can bring it
with you everywhere! If you need some ideas, check out my boards by clicking here.
20. Commit to change. Change
is hard. It gets uncomfortable at times because we are only
comfortable with what we know. In order to achieve change, we must push
ourselves outside our comfort zone. Know this going into it, and you’ll save
yourself a lot of anguish.
21. Perform a RAoK (Random Act
of Kindness). You can
talk all you want about being kind, but do you walk the walk? When was your
last random act of kindness? I’ll tell you right now that these RAoKs are
instant mood-boosters. You can’t give selflessly without feeling a ricochet of
positivity right back at you. Pick a small RAoK and do it today.
22. Don’t be afraid to acceptkindness. Many
of us are afraid to accept help because they see it as a sign of being weak (me
included). We must realize that no person is an island. This life thing is a
team effort at times and we need others to help us get through it!
Accept the gift of kindness from others; let them help you grow stronger.
23. Replace the negative with
the positive. I went through years of cognitive behavioral therapy to
rewire my thoughts in a more positive direction. One of the key lessons I
learned in all that time was to replace negative thoughts with more positive
ones, instead of simply trying to push out the negative. If I subtracted a
negative thought without replacing it with something, my mind would obsess over
what I was trying to block, often worsening the situation. Give your mind
something else to focus on that is more helpful in nature.
24. Expect less. If you expect a lot from people who just
won’t give it to you, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. Learn to expect less from
certain people, and find
other sources to get what you need.
25. Turn off your serious face
and get silly. You
know what one of my biggest problems used to be? I took myself too damn
seriously. When I started being able to make fun of myself in a
non-self-deprecating way, I loosened up a lot, stopped getting so stressed out
when things didn’t go my way, and started enjoying life a heck of a lot more. Play!
26. Dream big. If you don’t dream big, you can’t live big. Allow yourself to
imagine and want lofty goals. Open your life up to the possibility of achieving
them and allow that into your life!
27. Sweat it out. You knew I was gonna throw it in here
somewhere, right?! I can’t tell you how much fitness has helped me overcome all
my obstacles. It’s not just me, either. There’s tons of research that proves
that exercise helps combat
depression, stress, anxiety and a host of mental disorders. It’ll
also help you focus, so you can be on top of your positive-thinking game!
28. Enjoy Life. This
may sound simple, but it’s often harder than it seems. Allow yourself to enjoy your
life. Be in it. Feel it. The purpose of life is to BE IN IT.
can think as positively as you want, but if you don’t take action to accomplish
anything, you’re going to stay right where you are. Talk is cheap. Be the
change. Make this your moment.
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